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How trading volumes are calculated

How trading volumes are calculated and how they affect account Loyalty level

Updated over 5 months ago

At the moment users can affect the account Loyalty level and get access to the best conditions for Yield Account and the Cloud Miner by using MultiHODL and the Conversion feature.

If you use MultiHODL:

  • The trading volume includes all funds in your MultiHODL deal - initial collateral and the borrowed after using the Multiplier feature. For example, the operation with input 1000 USDT and Multiplier x20 means that its volume will be 20 000 USD.

  • The trading volume counts both open MultiHODL and close MultiHODL events. For example, when MultiHODL is opened with a total volume of 10 000 USD and is closed with a profit of 500 USD - the volume in your Loyalty program will be 10 000 USD (while opening the MultiHODL) + 10 500 USD (while closing the MultiHODL) = 20 500 USD.

  • In summary - when you use MultiHODL, your trading volume always includes not only your initial collateral, but the whole deal funds depending on your Multiplier level, and the volume increases for both open and closed MultiHODLs.

If you use the conversion:

  • Each of your conversion x1.5-x2.0 times contributes to your trading volume. For example, if you buy BTC for your 1000 USD, then this operation will result in increasing trading volume up to $2000, depending on the current loyalty level of your account, and generating 10 Sparks for Cloud Miner (1 spark for every 100 USD-worth currency you convert).

This model assures your trading and conversion activity improves your account's Loyalty level in the most efficient and fast way.

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